"Vision of FTTH in India: Providing Next Generation Nation-wide
Network for Improvement of National ICT Connectivity"
Data growth in the Indian telecom market has reduced the prominence of traditional wireline broadband technologies such as digital subscriber line and cable modem. These technologies are not efficient enough to meet the customers’ demand for high-bandwidth applications such as high speed internet access, video-on-demand, high definition TV, IPTV and online gaming. In this scenario, fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) technology, which offers advantages like high bandwidth capacity and the delivery of high speed, high quality and multi-play services (data, voice and video) through a single channel, presents a strong business opportunity for telecom operators.
FTTH networks’ ability to deliver high bandwidth has made investments in this infrastructure very important for operators. They are increasingly deploying FTTH technology to complement their wireless networks. Spectrum crunch is another major factor that has led operators to look for viable alternative mediums. Also, to achieve the broadband targets set by the government under the National Telecom Policy, it will be important to drive FTTH growth along with other technologies.
About the Summit
The FTTH India Summit 2018 will discuss the importance of fiber optics development for digital economic transformation, explain how a digital economy is beneficial to improve the living standards of Indians, and discuss ways to speed up the fiber infrastructure coverage, boost ICT digital services and business and enhance industry chain cooperation.
The summit also intended to inform the public and the industry alike about the importance of FTTH in building up India’s digital economy and the necessity of speeding up fiber infrastructure rollouts and adoption.
Topics discussed at the summit will cover various ICT development issues in India, such as India’s Broadband Plan, the Digital Economy Agenda, the government’s ambition to accelerate digital economy development, the importance and urgency for an industry alliance to drive that national agenda, and – of course – the role that FTTH will play in enabling this.