
India's broadband subscriber base has grown 916 million in Feb 2024




- Connecting the Unconnected for Digital Inclusion

- Empowering Rural Futures: Cross-Sectoral Digital Infrastructure for Rural Connectivity

- Access Network – FTTH versus Fixed Wireless (5G)

- GPON Broadband Technology and the Future of Connectivity

- Bridging the Digital Divide with Satellite Broadband

- Enabling Digital Transformation with Fiber Networks

- Business Models for Fiber ISPs

- Ensuring Data Security and Privacy in FTTH Networks

- FTTH and 5G FWA to co-exist

- Challenges in deploying Fiber backhaul for FWA

- Challenges for deploying 5G Infrastructure on Rooftops

- How do we handle Cyber Security

- 5G, Satellites and Future Networks

- Digital Screens (Cinema of the Future), OTT and Telcos

- Connecting the Unconnected: Rural Broadband and Regulatory Innovation

- Satellite Broadband – Will the Launch of LEO’s help