
Standardization, policies and legislation are the fundamental and necessary requirement for any technology or product's safety, security and evolution. In the world of ICT, harmonization of standards is an essential element for interoperability and making services affordable through Economies of Scale.
With the aim to bring forward the critical issues and challenges being faced by the industry and apprise all about the future technologies on the anvil, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), along with its Seconded European Standards Expert in India (SESEI), Industry, Association and Administration is organizing a Conference on "Indo-European Dialogue on ICT Standards & Emerging Technologies", on 13th March 2014 at Le Meridien, New Delhi and a focused half-day Workshop on "Security and Energy Efficiency" on 14th March 2014 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
The seminar will provide stakeholders with an update of present and future ETSI Standardization activities and trigger dialogue with Indian stakeholders to assess where potential standardization gaps can be bridged and new venues for collaboration established. The agenda will take us through technologies and standardization activity being developed in the area of Machine to Machine communication (M2M), Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), improving radio spectrum efficiency, Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), future mobile technologies (5G) ,Security and Energy Efficiency aspects of technology etc.
The day 2 half day workshop will be a focused effort on bringing together key stakeholders to debate and discuss best practices in the areas of Security and Energy Efficiency.
We solicit kind presence and participation from the Government, Industry leaders, academia, standardization bodies, and vendor community to contribute towards the objective and success of the event.